Review Soundtrack: Antonio suggest reading this review while listening to Troy, by Sinéad O'Connor (YouTube, Spotify).
Snakewood is Adrian Selby's literary debut and
one of the grimdark side of fantasy most expected releases. The central plot
element is the mercenary group known as Kailen's Twenty, composed by the best
of the best in all crafts related to war-making. For several decades, they sold
their talents to whomever paid them the most until they decided to put an end
after one last job. Fifteen years later, Gant, one of these mercenaries,
receives news that someone is killing his old gang one by one. A very dark fantasy
story with a distinct western flair and a well threaded synopsis were enough to
hook me.
The first thing that caught my attention was
that the reading's difficulty was quite steep. Just in chapter one, that tells
the ambush on Gant's POV, obvious typos and grammatical errors appear. But
don't fret: they're intentional. Several old medieval terms (some obscure
enough to make me look them up), abundant references to fictional plants and
strange idioms made up for the book's fresh take on combat, tactics and
strategy can slow your reading speed a bit. Once you get a bit further into the
novel and get to know the terms and characters things get way easier.
Adrian Selby has decided to undertake a very
ambitious project. The novel has a classic structure in chapters but each of
them can be a letter sent from a POV character; or a report by the mysterious
Fieldsman 84; or the transcript from an interview about an old feat performed
by Kailen's Twenty, etcetera, etcetera. It is an approach – maybe not the most
original – that is still quite attractive to the reader and that Selby manages
to pull off nicely. His writing mimics the education, culture and way of
talking of each of the POVs and the materials included in the novel. Thus, it
seems that we are looking at a binder with every document related to the case
included. I wouldn't raise a brow if the book's print version included
different paper type, quality and font for each chapter. These frequent POV and
timeline changes aids in building tension even though the plot may not advance
as much. Unfortunately, in the novel's last quarter flashbacks become
unnecessary and they greatly damage the novel's rhythm.
At first, it looks like there are too many
characters and POVs and following the plot and who are they talking about can
become a bit hard. In order to make it a bit easier for me, I had to compile a
small summary. Nevertheless, after that first third the novel focuses and gains
speed because the average writing quality is improved with the appearance of a
couple of properly-educated POV characters. Every bit of worldbuilding's basic
concepts is understood – making the book's own idioms get highlighted for their
originality – and you have enough info about most of Kailen's Twenty.
Furthermore, the pace gets faster on its own with one of those new characters
and pages fly by inadvertedly.
However, on the last quarter of the novel
things start to fall apart. A couple of the story's main mysteries get revealed
and you lose interest while the characters run around trying to figure out
something you have known for a while. The plot's main support beam – the
vengeance's reason – didn't completely satisfy me either. The presence of
flashback chapters when everything is ready for the big ending broke the
novel's pace and pulled me out and I couldn't get completely back in. The
ending was also disappointing because Selby didn't make the most of the
worldbuilding for a final twist nor didn't he tie up the character's motivation
to their actions to make sense. Looks like he couldn't get out from the idea he
originally had in his head of how things should be instead of following his
character's footsteps to the obvious conclusion.
Undoubtedly, the novel's main point is its
worldbuilding. Adrian Selby introduces a place where magic is a legend and
'magists' (because it looks like 'wizards', 'sorcerers' or 'mages' are too
mainstream now), if they even existed, have disappeared forever. However
alchemists (drudhas in Snakewood) are specialists in synthesizing chemical
compounds from animals and plants in order to create all kinds of substances. A
lot of them make daily life and industry better, but Selby focuses in the ones
used for war. In combat, each warrior that wants to remain alive has to wear
his fieldbelt; when he sees danger approach, he'll give his fightbrew a good
gulp to get combat-ready and he'll scrub his sword in a paste. If enemy archers
throw sporebags, he'll put his mask on. If they throw dust, he'll use drops in
his eyes augmenting his eyesight. The fightbrew will float him to a full raise
and his muscles will be bigger, his hearing so acute as to listen a whisper two
dozen paces apart, his sense of smell will let him pick his enemies' scent and
he'll be able to detect their heat. He won't forget to quickly apply bark and
poultice if anyone manages to cut him with a sword or arrow, because in only a
few seconds he could be dead. And when the battle is finished, he'll search for
a quiet place to endure the aftereffects of his abuse on his body and to pay
the colour.
Everything surrounding the plant system is
absolutely fascinating and incredibly original. In a genre that fights against
stagnation is refreshing to see new, well thought ideas applied. Certainly all
the vocabulary derived from this exotic worldbuilding makes the reading a bit
harder, but it is totally worth it. Clearly, Selby has thought long and hard
about this 'magic' system and has made the most of it.
To sum up, the book has left me with
conflicting emotions. On one hand, the irregular pace and the order of certain
chapters in the book – chapters I would have rearranged or directly deleted – decrease
the book's quality. On the other hand, we have this excellent chemical war
system with swords, knives and bows that is perfect and exquisitely developed.
Maybe Selby's main problem has been an excess of ambition for a debut novel and
his lack of experience to give the last touch that would have turned it into a
blockbuster. I really hope he doesn't get discouraged and he keeps writing. I'm
already looking forward to his next book.
(You can also read this review in Spanish/También puedes leer esta reseña en español)
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