Leticia Lara & Odo: When did you know you wanted to become a writer? Which other authors have influenced you the most? Is there any current writer that you admire?
Ramez Naam: I’ve been a reader of science fiction
my whole life, but I didn’t ever seriously intend to write a novel! Nexus
arrived almost by accident. I wrote a few chapters for fun, thinking the whole
time I was writing a short story. Friends liked it and encouraged me to improve
it and to keep it going. At some point I realized I had a novel growing.
There are so many great authors. John
Barnes is amazingly versatile and has influenced me quite a bit. Cory Doctorow
I admire for both his books and for his continual fight for social justice.
Recently I’m a huge fan of Hannu Rajaniemi, who’s become a friend. His Quantum Thief
trilogy is one of my favorite pieces of science fiction of the last few years.
LL&O: Although you grew up and currently live in America, you were born in
Egypt. Do you think that has had an impact in your writing? What do you think
about the diversity of SF literature nowadays?
RN: I grew up aware that there was a wider
world. Many Americans don’t. The US is such a large nation, most of a continent
really, that Americans can often ignore the world outside their borders.
There’s so much science fiction being
written now. But it’s rare for non-American authors to get into the American
market. So I’m thrilled to see Liu Cixin get a Hugo nomination for Three Body
Problem. Inside the English language, Ian McDonald has been a big influence on
me in his setting of his novels outside the US – in India, Turkey, Brazil.

RN: Working at Microsoft and in a startup
taught me a lot about how technology actually works, and how it gets built.
Code and fiction are quite different, but I
manage my writing of fiction as if I was writing code. I build a plan for the
book – a detailed outline. And then I turn that into a schedule for myself,
with assignments of certain scenes or chapters on certain days. Different
writers keep themselves on track with different tools. That one works for me.
LL&O: Your books are set in a very near future. Do you fear they become
obsolete soon?
RN: Oh, I’m sure my books will get
obsolete! It’s not even because they’re set soon, it’s because
the world changes so fast. I had people actually driving cars in the future. I
had far too few drones. Most books set in space still have human pilots for
space ships. We’re going to look back at that and laugh.
LL&O: We really love your story “Water”, but we also find it a bit
terrifying. Do you think we are ready for that kind of technology? Do you think
that scientific research should be mainly funded by private companies or by

LL&O: Also talking about “Water”. How do you feel about being nominated for
the Seiun award?
RN: It’s a huge honor! And Nexus has not
yet been translated to Japanese, so I’m hoping that this exposes Japanese
readers to my work…and maybe leads to Nexus coming to Japan.
LL&O: What are the main differences between writing fiction and non-fiction?
Do you hope to reach the same audience with both?
RN: Some people read only one or the other.
With non-fiction you can be more clear and more direct on your point. With
fiction, your point or message has to be secondary to telling a good story. At
the same time, people come up to me and say that my novels kept them up reading
until 3 in the morning. No one has ever said that about my non-fiction.
LL&O: In both your fiction and non-fiction books you have a clear (and quite
optimistic) position in favor of scientific research and technological
progress. Do you think that all research is legit? Is there such a thing as
“dangerous knowledge”?
RN: Some knowledge is more dangerous than
others. The knowledge of how to make a nuclear bomb or a bioweapon is
dangerous. But people apply the idea of ‘dangerous knowledge’ far too broadly.
When you see someone saying that, usually they’re trying to stop an idea. And
usually that’s not because the idea is dangerous to society – but because it’s
dangerous to the powerful.

RN:Things have moved more slowly than I
expected them to in More Than Human. I thought, by now, we’d have more progress
in gene therapy, in aging, and so on. It’s given me more appreciation for how
slowly science moves, and how many exciting discoveries don’t work out. That said, I’m still very excited about
brain-computer interfaces, and I see a new wave of innovation happening there.
LL&O: What do you think about the idea of the so-called Vingean Singularity?
Is it unavoidable, as Ray Kurzweil and others claim, or is it just fantasy?
RN: I don’t see a
‘singularity’ any time soon. It’s very hard to have runaway self-improvement.
Making something twice as smart probably isn’t twice as much work. It’s
probably four times or ten times or a hundred times as much work. I wrote a
blog post about that here: The Singularity is Further Than it Appears.
LL&O: What can you tell us about your future projects? Apex, the third book
in the Nexus series, has just been published. Will it be the last book in that
universe or are you planning to visit it again?
RN: I love the Nexus
world, but Apex is the last book set there – at least for a while. It’s time
for me to try something new. The next book will be another science fiction
novel. And that’s all I can say about it right now!
RN: Absolutely. I have
friends I’ve made online – particularly on twitter – that I’ve never met in
person. Authors share ideas, and support and cheer each other on. Fans send
compliments and questions and interesting links they think you should see. It’s
LL&O: What can you tell us about the possibility of publishing your books in
Spanish? What do you think about reading translations? Do you think the
translator needs to be guided by the author?
RN: Nexus is being
translated into Spanish right now! It’ll be released by Editorial Planeta. I
don’t yet have a date for it. I trust my translators. They have a very hard job
to do, but so far the feedback from readers around the world is that they’ve
done an excellent job.
LL&O: In addition to your writing, you are a frequent speaker in all kinds of
conferences and symposia. What is the strangest talk you’ve been invited to?
RN: The most intimidating
talk I ever gave was to a group of neuroscientists. The head of an institute
asked me to come speak to his staff about the future of brain science. You can
bet I was nervous! But it went extremely well.
LL&O: Where can our readers learn more about you and your work?
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