- “Young Zaphod Plays It Safe", Douglas Adams
- “Terminós", Dean Francis Alfar
- “What If?", Issac Asimov
- “Noble Mold", Kage Baker
- “A Night on the Barbary Coast", Kage Baker
- “Life Trap", Barrington J. Bayley
- “This Tragic Glass", Elizabeth Bear
- “Enoch Soames", Max Beerbohn
- “The Most Important Thing in the World", Steve Bein
- “In The Tube", E.F. Benson
- “The Mask of the Rex", Richard Bowes
- “A Sound of Thunder", Ray Bradbury
- “Bad Timing", Molly Brown
- “The Gulf of the Years", George-Olivier Châteaureynaud
- “The Threads of Time", C.J. Cherryh
- “Thirty Seconds From Now", John Chu
- “Palindromic", Peter Crowther
- “Domine", Rjurik Davidson
- “The Lost Continent", Greg Egan
- “The Gernsback Continuum", William Gibson
- “3 RMS, Good View", Karen Haber
- “Message in a Bottle", Nalo Hopkinson
- “The Great Clock", Langdon Jones
- “Hwang’s Billion Brilliant Daughters", Alice Sola Kim
- “On the Watchtower at Plataea", Garry Kilworth
- “Time Gypsies", Ellen Klages
- “Vintage Seasons", Henry & C.L. Moore Kuttner
- “At Dorado", Geoffrey Landis
- “Ripples in the Dirac Sea", Geoffrey Landis
- “The Final Days", David Langford
- “Fish Night", Joe Lansdale
- “As Time Goes By", Tanith Lee
- “Another Story", Ursula K. LeGuin
- “Loob", Bob Leman
- “Alexia and Graham Bell", Rosaleen Love
- “Traveller’s Rest", David Masson
- “Death Ship", Richard Matheson
- “Under Siege", George R.R. Martin
- “The Clock That Went Backwards", Edward Page Mitchell
- “Pale Rose", Michael Moorcock
- “The House that Made the Sixteen Loops of Time", Tamsyn Muir
- “Is There Anybody There?", Kim Newman
- “Come-From-Always", Tony Pi
- “The Time Telephone", Adam Roberts
- “Red Letter Day", Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- “The Waitabits", Eric Frank Russell
- “If Ever I Should Leave You", Pamela Sargent
- “How the Future Got Better", Eric Schaller
- “Needle in a Timestack", Robert Silverberg
- “Delhi", Vandana Singh
- “Himself in Anachron", Cordwainer Smith
- “The Weed of Time", Norman Spinrad
- “Palimpsest", Charlie Stross
- “Yesterday Was Monday", Theodore Sturgeon
- “Triceratops Summer", Michael Swanwick
- “The Mouse Ran Down", Adrian Tchaikovsky
- “Augusta Prima", Karin Tidbeck
- “Twenty-One and Counting Up", Harry Turtledove
- “Forty, Counting Down", Harry Turtledove
- “Where or When", Steve Utley
- “Swing Time", Carrie Vaughn
- “(excerpt from) The Time Machine", H.G. Wells
- “Fire Watch", Connie Willis
- “Against the Lafayette Escadrille", Gene Wolfe
- “The Lost Pilgrim", Gene Wolfe
- Introduction, Rian Johnson
- Music for Time Travelers, Jason Heller
- The Science of Time Travel, Stan Love
- Trousseau, Fashion for Time Travelers, Genevieve Valentine
- Top Ten Tips for Time Travelers, Charles Yu
Tiene una pinta brutal, si baja un poco el precio del ebook me lo pillo sin dudar (ya estoy a punto de comprarlo ahora mismo...) Gracias por la noticia.
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