En estos momentos se puede descargar gratuitamente en Amazon el relato
Looking Through Lace, de
Ruth Nesvold, que fue finalista de los premios Tiptree y Sturgeon. Ésta es su sinopsis:
As the only woman on the first contact team, xenolinguist Toni Donato expected her assignment on Christmas would be to analyze the secret women's language -- but then the chief linguist begins to sabotage her work. What is behind it? Why do the men and women have separate languages in the first place? What Toni learns turns everything she thought they knew on its head.
Originally published in Asimov's in 2003, "Looking Through Lace" was a finalist for the Tiptree and Sturgeon awards. The Italian translation won the Premio Italia for best work of speculative fiction in translation in 2007.
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